Verify Your Business Name With a New Hampshire Business Name Search

New Hampshire Dover | Swyft Filings

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Swyft Filings is committed to providing accurate, reliable information to help you make informed decisions for your business. That's why our content is written and edited by professional editors, writers, and subject matter experts. Learn more about how Swyft Filings works, our editorial team and standards, what our customers think of us, and more on our trust page.

Alexis Konovodoff
Written by Alexis Konovodoff
Written byAlexis Konovodoff
Updated December 04, 2023
Edited by Zachary Ace Aiuppa
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The New Hampshire business name search tool makes verifying the availability of your chosen business name straightforward by using powerful advanced search tools. You can search the database in a few simple steps and receive results within an hour via email at no cost or commitment.

  1. Submit the company name of your choice and the type of entity you're forming (LLC or corporation).

  2. Wait less than one hour as the tool searches the New Hampshire Secretary of State's database for existing businesses with similar names.

  3. Receive an email with your results and reserve the name if it’s available, or try another name or variation if it is already taken.

This search process is simple for any user, from experienced entrepreneurs to those casually considering starting their businesses.

Free New Hampshire Business Name Search

See if your company name is available in New Hampshire with our free business name search service. There is no cost or commitment on your part. We will email you within 1 hour to let you know if your name is available Alaska and how to reserve it today.

Key Takeaways

  • Becoming familiar with New Hampshire's business naming conventions ensures that the name you pick complies with state requirements.

  • Conducting a New Hampshire entity search is easy to verify name availability and avoid potential legal issues.

  • Once you've secured your business name, you can reserve it, register a domain, and consider a DBA.

New Hampshire's Business Name Conventions

The New Hampshire Secretary of State's naming guidelines for LLCs and corporations help maintain consistency among business entities and prevent confusion.[1] These conventions are in place to ensure that the business name of any legal entity stands apart from other businesses in the state.

  • A New Hampshire LLC business name cannot include words suggesting you're an insurer or assume insurance risks. 

  • Your business name should include a designation that indicates its entity type. These may include "Limited Liability Company" or its abbreviation "LLC" for LLCs; and "Corporation," "Incorporated," or their abbreviations "Corp." or "Inc." for corporations.

  • Your business name must be distinguishable from already registered businesses. It cannot be identical or deceptively similar to other names. 

  • Your business name cannot include terms that could mislead the public about its nature or affiliations with government agencies or other organizations.

Various advantages await business owners and entrepreneurs conducting a New Hampshire entity search as they work to establish their company in the state. Here are the standout benefits:

  • Availability verification: An entity search will let you quickly confirm name availability and avoid potential legal issues before registering your business.

  • Preventing mistakes: Registering a business name already in use wastes time and money since you may need to rebrand or face legal disputes.

  • Simplifying registration: Knowing that your business name of choice is available can streamline the registration process - you won't need to deal with potential name conflicts or rejections.

  • Compliance check: An entity search ensures that your business name adheres to New Hampshire's naming regulations.

  • Brand protection: A thorough search may identify potential trademark infringements you are unaware of, avoiding costly legal battles over brand identity.

  • Time and cost savings: Preventing mistakes and avoiding legal battles will save time and resources, so you can put them to better use on more critical business aspects.

Performing an entity search is a major step in choosing the best name for your LLC or corporation. It paves the way for smooth business registration.

Fall foliage in Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire | Swyft Filings

Next Steps

After completing a New Hampshire entity search and confirming your desired business name's availability, you can now focus on kicking off your business. Let's take a look at the follow-up steps in setting up your New Hampshire business in more detail.

Complete Your Name Reservation

After picking your LLC or other business type name and checking it with the New Hampshire business search tool, the next step is reserving the name. Reserving your business name through the New Hampshire Department of State involves submission of a name reservation application and waiting for a response from the authorities.

You can learn more by visiting the New Hampshire Department of State's website at You can also mail the department directly by sending your mail to:

The Bureau of Securities Regulation

NH Department of State

107 North Main Street #204

Concord, NH 03301-4989

The name reservation for your New Hampshire corporation or small business protects your LLC or corporation name for 120 days. This gives you sufficient time to prepare and file the formation documents.

Some documents following the desired business name registration include Articles of Organization and an operating agreement for an LLC or Articles of Incorporation for a corporation.[2, 3]

Choose a Domain Name

In the digitally driven world, a robust online presence is a requirement for the success and growth of a modern business. Your website will draw traffic to your business and make it easier to communicate with your clients or customers, whether you're running a small startup or a well-known corporation.

A good business website should display basic business information, such as phone number, physical address, business bank account for transactions, and an enticing "About Us" section.

The right domain name helps you stand out in the digital landscape. Securing your domain name promptly can prevent competitors from taking a similar name. It also ensures a cohesive brand identity across all platforms.

There are several aspects to keep in mind when choosing a domain name, such as simplicity, relevance to your business, and spelling. A simple, easily comprehensible name guarantees that many people remember your brand name. If your name is easy to spell, it will be much easier to find when a user hears about it from an ad or through word of mouth.

Squarespace’s easy-to-use domain search tool can help you quickly find and register a domain name that matches your New Hampshire business. You can then choose from Squarespace’s flexible website templates, pre-designed layouts, and curated design elements to build a website — no coding required. Start your business with Swyft Filings and receive a free domain from SquareSpace for one year.

Consider a DBA

If the business name you intended to use is unavailable, you can still operate under that company name by obtaining a DBA (doing business as) or fictitious name.[4] A DBA is a legal alias allowing you to conduct business legally under a different name without creating a separate legal entity.

If you opt for a DBA, you can maintain your brand identity and bypass possible naming conflicts. It is also a cost-effective solution to these conflicts whenever they arise. To register a DBA in New Hampshire, you must follow the New Hampshire Secretary of State guidelines and complete the paperwork.

A DBA can simplify opening business bank accounts or signing contracts. It provides a clear connection between your chosen name and the legal entity and grants flexibility in branding and marketing.

File Your LLC Online

With all the requirements settled, you can file your LLC application online. To maintain compliance with New Hampshire's regulations, seeking guidance from business service experts who can assist you in acquiring documents and keeping your business in good standing may be useful.

Swift Filings lives up to its name by helping you file your LLC in minutes. Our user-friendly platform simplifies the process, so that it's nearly instant for the user. We’ll guide you through all the steps to ensure compliance with state requirements for registering a new business. With your perfect business name ready, you will bring your New Hampshire LLC to life without excess costs or hassle.

Free New Hampshire Business Name Search

Enter your desired New Hampshire company name to see if it is available with our free business name search.


How do I find out if a business name is available in New Hampshire?

You can find out if a New Hampshire business name is available with a business name search tool.

How do I register a business name in the state of New Hampshire?

To register a business name in New Hampshire, you must file the appropriate formation documents with the Secretary of State and follow their name guidelines.

How do I find a business entity in New Hampshire?

Use the New Hampshire Secretary of State's business entity search to find a business entity in New Hampshire. It lets you conduct a business search by business ID or registration number.

How much does a New Hampshire business entity search cost?

A basic New Hampshire business entity search is free, such as Swyft Filings business name search tool. However, extra services or more detailed reports may have a fee. If you are concerned, look into any potential fees for the query you need.

Some of the many benefits of a business entity search include verifying name availability, gathering information on competitors or potential partners, and complying with state regulations.

How do I register a business in New Hampshire?

You must file the necessary formation documents with the Secretary of State and obtain the required licenses and permits. You must also follow IRS and state tax guidelines and file ongoing annual reports.

How do I file for a trademark in New Hampshire?

If you wish to file for a trademark in New Hampshire, submit a trademark application with the Secretary of State, pay any fees, and obtain and sign the necessary paperwork. Conduct a trademark search if you’re unsure whether your trademark of choice is available.


  1. New Hampshire Department of State. "Choosing Your Business Name, Name Availability Guidelines." Accessed April 24, 2023.

  2. Forbes, Vartika Puranik, Cassie Bottorff. "What Are Articles Of Organization For An LLC?" Accessed April 24, 2023.

  3. State of New Hampshire. "Articles of Incorporation, Instructions for Completing Form 11." Accessed April 24, 2023.

  4. Chamber of Commerce. "How to File a DBA in New Hampshire." Accessed April 24, 2023.

Originally published on August 07, 2023, and last edited on December 04, 2023.
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