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Swyft Filings is committed to providing accurate, reliable information to help you make informed decisions for your business. That's why our content is written and edited by professional editors, writers, and subject matter experts. Learn more about how Swyft Filings works, our editorial team and standards, what our customers think of us, and more on our trust page.
When starting a business in Arizona, you’ll need a unique name for legal registration. However, you can also get a DBA (“doing business as”) and operate under a fictitious business name instead. Filing for an Arizona DBA requires completing several steps while considering name restrictions and taxes.
This article will cover all DBA Arizona requirements and essential considerations.
Getting a DBA allows you to use a fictitious name different from your legal business name for advertisement purposes.
Obtaining a fictitious name in Arizona includes filing a Fictitious Name Statement and paying a filing fee.
In the state of Arizona, filing for a DBA has no tax effects on your business.
Some benefits of using a DBA include marketing, developing several business lines, and keeping anonymity.
Protect your privacy and gain a new business name with our all-in-one DBA filing service.
Before filing for a DBA, it’s important to distinguish what a DBA is and is not. In Arizona, a DBA refers to a “trade name” or a “fictitious name” that you can legally use for conducting business. A DBA differs from your original business name, which must be unique and lawfully approved by the Secretary of State beforehand.[1]
You may decide you’re unhappy with your registered business name or want to modify it slightly. Some small business owners would prefer to advertise their brand with a slightly different name on social media. A DBA helps you achieve just that.
It’s also crucial to differentiate between a business structure and a DBA. It’s helpful to think of a DBA as an alias suited for your brand, marketing, and advertising purposes. On the other hand, a business structure refers to the actual legal entity of your business, such as an LLC or a Corp.
While most business structures can have a DBA according to Arizona State Law, a few can’t. Professional limited liability companies (PLLC) and professional corporations (PC) cannot apply for a DBA.[2]
If you’ve registered your name with the Arizona Secretary of State and want to promote your company under a fictitious name, filing for an Arizona DBA is your solution. The process requires specific steps such as doing a name search, filing paperwork, contacting the county clerk, and publishing your DBA before the process is complete.
The first step to determining your DBA name includes doing a business entity search. If you already have a registered name, chances are you’ve done this before. The same goes for your assumed name. It must be unique and distinguishable and can’t have any business entity abbreviations such as “LLC” or “Corp” that don’t correspond to the company’s structure.[3]
Use our free business name search tool to find your new assumed name. You can also complete this step using Arizona’s Secretary of State business name search tool.
There are also a few considerations before you go ahead with your name search. For one, multiple businesses in the same part of Arizona cannot have the same or a confusingly similar DBA. However, this doesn’t grant trademark protection, and you might have to file for a trademark at the state or federal level.
After you’ve done a DBA name search, you can proceed to the next step of filing a fictitious business statement. This formal document declares that you wish to do business under a fictitious name.
The requirements for filing a fictitious business statement can vary. In Arizona, you technically don’t need to file your fictitious business statement with the Secretary of State.[4] However, it’s considered an acceptable business practice and will reserve your trade name, keeping others from registering it.
If you do choose to do so, you’ll need to include some vital information, such as:
Your business entity type
Business name
Important contact information
Description of business products or services
After filing a fictitious business statement, the Secretary of State’s office will approve or reject it. To increase your chances, ensure that the name is distinct and is not misleadingly similar to others. This process may take two to three weeks on average. Once they approve, you can use your new business name on business cards and signage. Again, this goes through the Secretary of State, not the Arizona Corporation Commission based in Phoenix.
Many states require you to file your DBA with the county clerk. However, this is not the case with Arizona. You only need to file the DBA at the state rather than the county level.
After filling out the trade name application from the Secretary of State, you’ll need to pay a $10 filing fee pricing.[5] You can also pay $35 for expedited service through cash or credit card.
The filing process might seem inconvenient and complicated. Fortunately, you can file your DBA easily with our filing services. We handle the documents so you can devote all your attention to running your business.
Whether running an Arizona LLC or any other entity type, you must maintain your DBA over time. According to the State of Arizona, a DBA lasts five years before you submit another renewal registration application.[6] You must pay another $10 fee once your DBA expires.
When you’re about to file your Arizona DBA, there are a few things to consider. As mentioned earlier, your DBA or assumed name cannot be the same or confusingly similar to others. Once you register yours, the Secretary of State gives you legally exclusive rights to this fictitious name.
However, remember that getting a DBA doesn’t automatically protect your trademark. For this, it’s best to consider getting professional legal advice. Trademark protection will legally ensure that others can’t use your DBA within Arizona. Once again, a DBA differs from a business entity, which can include being a sole proprietor, LLC, or another type of business.
Likewise, Arizona has some restrictions with DBA names, and they include:
Business entity abbreviations like Corp or LLC
Financial terms (unless approved by the Arizona Department of Financial Institutions). These terms include banker, bank, banking, savings association, building and loan association, savings bank, thrift, trust, trust company, savings bank, deposit, credit union, Banque, and banco.
Like many other filings, many expect that getting a DBA can affect a business’s taxes. While this might be true for other states, you won’t have to worry about tax changes during DBA filing.
Some taxing elements include:
Tax structure: Your tax structure is based on your business type. Your LLC will be taxed accordingly with or without a DBA.
Tax ID: You won’t be given a separate Employer Identification number (EIN) if you file for a DBA.
Income reporting: Regardless of your new DBA, you’ll still have to file regular income reports under your legal name.
Separate taxes: There are no extra taxes involved when it comes to filing a DBA.
Legal considerations: If you use a fictitious name, your personal assets will still be legally protected through liability protection.
While having a distinct, official name is vital for any business, there are some special reasons, benefits, and advantages for having a DBA trade name in Arizona, whether you’re a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company.
Some of the reasons to get a DBA include.
Banking Flexibility: You can have a separate business bank account for your fictitious name. This might make organizing your finances, accounting, and bookkeeping easier if you have multiple companies.
Service Expansion: Instead of registering for a whole new business, you can get a DBA. This allows them to create a separate brand and branch into different markets. A DBA also allows you flexibility in operating more than one venture.
Anonymity and Brand Reputation Protection: If you’re engaging in a new industry, you may want to use a name different from your original company. Doing so ensures your brand image is protected. Likewise, it protects a sole proprietorship as their business will be associated with the DBA, not the actual person’s name.
Streamlined Business Formation: If you’ve already started one business, you know how complicated and expensive the process can be. Creating a new one is simpler if you adopt a trade name in Arizona. It’s also the less costly option, as filing for a DBA only costs $10 every five years for renewal.
Unified Administration: You'll need another administration when you file for a new business. Even if it’s made up of the same people, this will be legally documented differently. When you file for a DBA, the administration will stay unified across multiple ventures, making the decision process more efficient and convenient.
Gain Privacy: Hide your personal name and details when marketing your business.
Improve Branding: Choose a DBA that easily informs your audience about what you have to offer.
Expand Services: Operate multiple businesses without creating separate entities for each one.
An LLC is a business formation type. You’ll have the chance to file as a limited liability company with a distinct name with the Arizona Secretary of State. However, you may later choose to branch out with different services under another brand. A DBA gives you a fictitious name (or trade name in Arizona) as an alias for your business.
Filing for a DBA has different costs across multiple states. However, filing for one in Arizona only costs $10. If you want to expedite the process, you can pay an additional filing fee of $35. Your DBA must also be renewed every five years for another $10.
You don’t necessarily need a DBA for your Arizona business. Still, it offers unique benefits like a separate business bank account, brand image protection, and streamlining multiple venture operations.
These terms have little distinction for most states and are used interchangeably. For Arizona, filing for a DBA entails getting a trade name. However, there might be minor differences depending on the jurisdiction.
In Arizona, a DBA lasts for five years. Afterward, you’ll need to file for renewal and pay an additional filing fee of $10.
Arizona has no limit to the number of DBAs you can have. Keep track of and renew them regularly when the five-year period is up.
Arizona Corporation Commission. “Determining Distinguishability of Entity Names.” Accessed August 31, 2023.
Arizona Department of Real Estate. “Can I have a Doing Business As (DBA) or other name for my Professional Corporation?” Accessed August 31, 2023.
Arizona Secretary of State. “Trade names and Trademarks.” Accessed August 31, 2023.
Arizona Corporation Commission. “Name Reservations.” Accessed August 31, 2023.
Arizona Secretary of State. “Office of the Secretary of State Trade Name Registration Application.” Accessed August 31, 2023.
Arizona Secretary of State. “Trade Name Renewal.” Accessed August 31, 2023.
No matter the business type, Swyft Filings can help you form your new company.