Verify Your Business Name With a Washington DC Business Name Search

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Swyft Filings is committed to providing accurate, reliable information to help you make informed decisions for your business. That's why our content is written and edited by professional editors, writers, and subject matter experts. Learn more about how Swyft Filings works, our editorial team and standards, what our customers think of us, and more on our trust page.

Alexis Konovodoff
Written by Alexis Konovodoff
Written byAlexis Konovodoff
Updated December 04, 2023
Edited by Zachary Ace Aiuppa
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Ready to embark on an exciting entrepreneurial journey in the District of Columbia? The first step toward creating a thriving business is choosing the perfect entity name.

Your business name is your brand's foundation, and choosing a name that resonates with your clients is essential.

Swyft Filings offers a user-friendly business name search tool to make the process seamless and efficient without cost or commitment. Our advanced search tool provides a straightforward, three-step process to help you find and secure the perfect legal name for your LLC or corporation:

  1. Provide essential information about your desired business name and the type of entity you're looking to form (LLC or corporation).

  2. Wait less than one hour as our sophisticated search algorithm scours the Washington DC Secretary of State's database and emails you the availability status of your desired business name, along with alternative suggestions if needed.

  3. Reserve your name or explore more options if your first choice isn't available.

Free Washington DC Business Name Search

See if your company name is available in Washington DC with our free business name search service. There is no cost or commitment on your part. We will email you within 1 hour to let you know if your name is available Alaska and how to reserve it today.

Key Takeaways

  • Swyft Filings offers a free, user-friendly business name search tool for Washington DC businesses to help you find the perfect legal name for your LLC or corporation.

  • Conducting a Washington DC entity search is essential for building brand identity, preventing costly mistakes, and avoiding trademark infringement.

  • After securing a business name, entrepreneurs should take the next steps in starting their business, including submitting a name reservation request, choosing a domain name, and filing the LLC online.

Washington DC's Business Name Conventions

When coming up with a business name in Washington DC, it's essential to adhere to the naming conventions set forth by the Washington, DC, Secretary of State. Let's break down the most important conventions you should know about.

First, your business name must include an appropriate designator to indicate the type of entity you intend to run.[1] For example, if you're filing an LLC, your business name could end with "Limited Liability Company" or "Limited Company," but you can also use the abbreviations "LLC," L.C, LC, or "L.L.C." For Washington D.C. corporations, you can use "Corporation," "Incorporated," "Inc.," or "Corp."

In addition to the proper designator, Washington DC prohibits certain words and phrases in your business name.[2] This is to prevent confusion or the appearance of affiliation with government agencies or services. For instance, your entity name can't include words suggesting that you're an insurer or assume insurance risks. Such words include "insurance," "casualty," or "surety."

Here's a list of more prohibited words:

  • Mutual: Suggests the entity is an insurer

  • Fiduciary: Suggests the entity is an insurer

  • Bank: Suggests affiliation with the banking industry

  • Trust: Suggests affiliation with trust companies

  • Cooperative: Suggests affiliation with cooperative services

  • Federal: Suggests affiliation with the federal government

  • United States: Suggests affiliation with the federal government

  • National: Suggests affiliation with the federal government

  • Reserve: Suggests affiliation with the federal reserve

Beyond the prohibited words, there are a few general guidelines to keep in mind when selecting a new business name. Avoiding misleading or false statements and offensive or obscene language is essential. Additionally, your LLC or corporation name must be distinguishable from any existing Washington DC business entity.

Conducting a Washington DC entity search is essential to launching your business on the right foot. Here are the top four benefits:

  • Building brand identity: A unique and memorable business name can help differentiate your business from competitors and attract customers. Conducting a thorough business name search can help you find a name that stands out and accurately reflects your brand identity.

  • Preventing costly mistakes: A Washington DC business entity search helps you avoid costly mistakes associated with registering a name already taken, such as potential legal conflicts, and saves time on fixing errors. 

  • Checking domain name availability: A Washington DC business entity search can help you check the availability of domain names related to your desired company name, allowing you to secure a relevant and memorable domain for your website.

  • Obtaining entity number and business license: Swyft Filing's business entity search service not only helps you verify your business name's availability but will then help you set up your LLC or corporation and obtain a business license in the District of Columbia.

  • Avoiding trademark infringement: By confirming that your chosen business name doesn't infringe on existing trademarks, you can sidestep legal disputes and protect your brand's reputation.

The downtown Washington DC skyline at night | Swyft Filings

Next Steps

Once you've established that your business name is available, it's time to take the next steps in starting your business.

Complete Your Name Reservation

Reservation temporarily secures a specific name for your business entity or trade name before officially registering it with the relevant government agency.

Reserving the chosen business name provides several benefits. First, it prevents others from using the same name for their business entity. Second, it allows time for the formation process of your LLC or corporation. You'll be able to submit the required documentation at your own pace, knowing that you've already secured the foundation of your business.

To reserve a name, you'll need to provide the following:

  • Your legal name and address

  • The name and type of business entity, such as LLC, corporation, or partnership

  • Name and contact information of your registered agent

The filing fee for name reservation is $50. The reservation is valid for 120 days from the date of filing. After filing, check the status of your name reservation using the DCRA's online system called "Access DC."

It's important to note that a name reservation doesn't grant you the right to operate your business. To legally operate the business, you must obtain a business license and register your business entity with the DCRA.

You can do this by submitting Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation, depending on your chosen business entity.

Choose a Domain Name

Choosing a domain name is crucial in establishing your online presence and solidifying your brand. Once you have reserved your business name, securing a matching domain name is highly recommended to ensure consistency across online and offline channels.

Your domain name is your online address and digital identity, so it should be easy to remember, relevant to your business, and reflective of your brand. 

Consider a DBA

If your preferred business name is unavailable, you may want to consider filing a DBA (doing business as) or fictitious name. This allows you to operate your business under a different name while maintaining your legal entity.[3] You must file a Trade Name Registration form with the DCRA's Corporations Division CorpOnline Web Portal to do this.

A trade name application costs $55 in the District of Columbia. To maintain the registration, the name must be renewed every two years before the expiration date. This is typically the same day and month the trade name was initially registered or last renewed.

Here are guidelines to follow when filing a DBA:

  1. Choose a unique, non-misleading name for your business that follows the naming guidelines set by the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA).

  2. Describe the nature of your business and the services or products you plan to offer in a clear, concise manner.

  3. Indicate the primary location where your business will operate, including a street address and phone number.

  4. Provide a name and address of your registered agent.

  5. Mail or deliver your completed and notarized trade name registration form, along with the required fee, to the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection or submit your application online through CorpOnline.

Once your application is processed and approved, you will receive a certificate that allows you to operate your business under the chosen name.

It's important to note that a DBA is registered at the individual business level in Washington DC. Other businesses can't use the same DBA as it represents a unique identity for the original registrant. However, similar names may be allowed if they don't cause confusion or mislead consumers.

File Your LLC Online

Now that you've completed the necessary steps to reserve your business name and secure your online presence, it's time to make your LLC official.

At Swyft Filings, we make it easy to file your Washington DC LLC online in just a few simple steps. Our platform guides you through the process, helping you choose the right business entity, file the necessary paperwork, and get your business up and running in no time. We can also help you file biennial reports and renew your good standing license.

And if you want to change your business name after the initial filing, our Amendments and Name Change Service can help.

Free DC Business Name Search

Enter your desired Washington DC company name to see if it is available with our free business name search.


How do I find out if a business name is taken in DC?

To check if a business name is registered in Washington DC, use Swyft Filing's business name search tool. The service ensures you select a unique business name that stands out so you can establish a strong brand identity for your venture.

The Washington DC Secretary of State Business Entity Search is an online database for finding information about registered businesses in the district.

How do you check if a business is registered in Washington DC?

To check if a business is registered in Washington DC, visit the District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) website and use the Corporations Division's Business Entity Search tool.

How much does a Washington DC business entity search cost?

Swyft Filings offers a free business name search tool for searching a business name in the District of Columbia. You can also access the Corporations Division's Business Entity Search tool for free on the District of Columbia Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) website.

A business entity search will help you avoid legal conflicts with choosing a business name already taken. It also allows you to choose a name that resonates with your target market.

What is the process for registering a business in Washington DC?

Registering a business in Washington DC involves:

  • Choosing a business structure

  • Conducting a name search

  • Appointing a registered agent

  • Filing necessary documents with the DCRA

You also need to obtain the required licenses and permits.

How do I find a DC registered agent for my business?

To find a DC registered agent, search online directories, contact local law firms, or use a registered agent service provider.


  1. Council of the District of Columbia. "Name requirements for certain types of entities." Accessed April 22, 2023.

  2. Council of the District of Columbia. "§ 29–103.01. Permitted names." Accessed April 22, 2023.

  3. DC Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection. "Trade Name." Accessed April 22, 2023.

Originally published on August 07, 2023, and last edited on December 04, 2023.
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