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Music Performance Agreement

The Music Performance Agreement is entered into by a singer or band and a company or individual who is requesting the performance. It outlines the terms and conditions and the duties expected of both parties.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are organizing a small private party, signing a Music Performance Agreement is not required or particularly recommended. However, to be absolutely sure, you will want to use the agreement for your security and to prevent scheduling issues like cancelation. It is very easy to execute with the help of Swyft Forms.

Yes. The Performance Agreement or Entertainment Agreement is very similar to the Music Performance Agreement. You can use it to hire other artists and entertainers such as dancers, magicians, and clowns. If you are organizing an event, it can be a good idea to enter into an agreement with all the independent contractors appointed.

Yes, a singer or band could ask to include a clause that prohibits recording. However, most would usually agree to have a professional cameraman record the event. One of the parties could ask to restrict guests from recording and posting recordings on social media, if that is a concern.