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Medical Power of Attorney

A Medical Power of Attorney is a powerful legal document that enables a trusted person to make medical decisions for you if you cannot do so yourself.
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Frequently Asked Questions

A witness must be a person who is at least 18 years old. Generally, they cannot be your agent, your spouse, a relative, or a doctor. But different States have different requirements for who can be a witness.

Your Medical Power of Attorney can last as long as you want it to. You may revoke it when you want and select a new agent. This often happens if there’s a divorce or a legal separation.

No matter who makes medical decisions, you still must pay your medical bills. Therefore, an agent is just an individual making decisions, not a person also responsible for the bills.

Both documents empower specific individuals to make decisions on your behalf. However, the main difference is that a Medical Power of Attorney focuses on health-related decisions. On the other hand, a Financial Power of Attorney appoints an agent to make financial decisions. They usually pay your bills if you’re unable to do it yourself and handle your overall finances.

This depends on you. Some people prefer one individual to be their agent, while others want to have multiple agents if the main one can’t be reached. Keep in mind that if you want to have multiple agents, you also need a Medical Power of Attorney for each of them. However, be sure to get enough forms from our website and include the required information for each agent. After that, download them, and copy them so that all agents can have their documents. You should also have copies of all of them yoursel