Privacy Request Form

California Consumer Privacy Act Request Form

Pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act (the "CCPA"), as amended, California residents have rights regarding the use of their personal information. These rights include the right to request information regarding the personal information about them that we collect, sell, and disclose for a business purpose (a "right to know request"), request the deletion of their personal information (a "deletion request") and request the correction of their personal information (a "correction request"). To exercise the access, deletion, or correction rights as described above, please either submit this form, or email us at [email protected].

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Consumer Privacy Request Form

Select all that apply

Select one of these options:

By clicking Submit Request, I authorize the controller of the website selected above to contact me to verify my request and to perform the Type of Data Request selected above. Your Request will not be performed until we are able to verify your identity, and authority of anyone who may attempt to act on your behalf or another person, in accordance with applicable law. Any request may be denied if it cannot be verified.